Sunday 27 August 2017

Zion and Bryce

Before I set off for Zion National Park I spoke to the innkeeper about my encounter yesterday with a rattlesnake. I mentioned that I didn't look too dangerous as it looked quite young. She said that makes it even more dangerous as they haven't learned how much venom to inject and tend to dump all their venom with one bite. She said it was OK though as they keep a stock of snake antivenom at the B&B.
She also offered me one of their wooden walking poles to ward off snakes. I declined as I was never going to leave the car again.

The following photos were taken at Zion National Park.

Anytime I left the road to walk on a trail I made sure there were no snakes on the path.

There are other creatures to look out for though.

 It's hard to believe engineers cutting a tunnel through all that rock.


The hole in the rock is part of the mile-long tunnel system. They are probably some kind of ventilation system.

The following photos are from my second visit to Bryce Canyon just before sunset,


 The small dots in the bottom middle of the photo are people walking to the bottom of the canyon. I was shortly to follow them.

 Small tunnel through the rock. Even I had to bend down to get through.

 Looks like some people have made their own rock formations.

 A forest at the bottom of the canyon.

 This playful chipmunk performed for the camera.

 Another chipmunk on the trail.

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