Thursday 24 August 2017

Eating Bison in Bozeman

Just before I left the 1899 Inn in Deadwood I asked the innkeeper, Laura if she could take a photo of me with one of her three cats. My daughter Anja had asked to see the cats.

Arrived in Bozeman, Montana. Staying at the lovely Voss Inn Bed & Breakfast. The innkeeper, Frankee, asked me what I would like to drink with tomorrow's breakfast; I told her that I had only drunk coffee since arriving in the US. She then informed me that she was a Certified Tea Master and would I like to join her and another guest for afternoon tea? This seemed like an interesting challenge; an American trying to outdo a Brit at making tea? I assumed this would be an easy challenge for the British to win as the last time I could recall an American making tea was when some Bostonians emptied a load of tea into the local harbour. Any tea-loving Brit could have told them trying to make tea with salty, tepid water would end in disaster which it did as, in reprisal, Britain ejected the US from the League of Tea Nations which it had helped set up.

Frankee then poured out cups of Darjeeling (her own special tea) and stopped me from adding my customary tea and sugar; inviting me to try it without. With my first sip I had to admit defeat, the tea was delicious, and three cups later I have decided to petition the British Government to re-admit the US to the League of Tea Nations.

Exterior of the Voss Inn and a photo of my room. The bath/shower area in the room makes me think I am staying at a Royal Palace.

Two of the houses in the street where I am staying.

This shop has to be unique it appears to be selling skateboards.

Lewis and Clark were two US Army officers tasked by President Thomas Jefferson to map the western half of America and claim the territory for the US government before European nations carried out a land grab. If they had been successful I would have paid for tonight's meal with Euros. This motel must have been part of Lewis & Clark's plan to claim title. It doesn't look as good as the Voss Inn; but there again the homemade banana bread sounds tempting.

The Lewis & Clarke Motel will soon have a rival; this half-built structure down the road is destined to be a motel.

I love the name of this watch repair shop.

I had to look up what a Mimosa was; it's a cocktail made with orange juice and champagne, in Britain we call that a Buck's Fizz.

I have eaten many a chocolate mousse over the years but have never eaten in a chocolate moose.

Frankee has obviously created an impact in Bozeman with the appearance of these tea establishments.

If this bar had hoped that people would stop and look twice at their neon sign it certainly succeeded.

Outside another bar was the most colourful bike I have ever seen.

This interesting metal sculpture is placed outside the Knife Sandwich shop.

I saw this truck with Pure Clean Techs on the hood, when I went around the rear of the vehicle I saw the list of services that the company provides. My daughter will be most interested in the Crime Scene service if I don't bring her back a present from the US.

Frankee had recommended a local restaurant called Ted's Montana Grill which serves bison. Ted is Ted Turner who set up CNN and TNT both of which I have watched back home on satellite TV. The bison steak was exceedingly good and eco warriors don't have to worry; bison are no longer facing extinction.

And this is the bison steak complete with US flag.


  1. You look like you've lost weight, I don't think they're feeding you properly over there.
    Also, why has you said 'a present' as in singular? What did we say about something from every state?

  2. I have eaten at Ted's Montana Grill at the Coconut Point Mall in Florida. Delicious, but apparently a chain.


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I am now back in Forres, Scotland. I would like to thank everyone I met on my trip from East Coast to West Coast and back again to East Coas...