Saturday 2 September 2017

Crossing the Rockies

Second day on the train saw some mazing scenery and met more amazing people on the train. Just to update information about the train. It's called the Californian Zephyr, running between San Francisco and Chicago.

The Colorado River which you will be seeing more of in this post.

Sat down in the observation car with Debbie and John. A really wonderful couple who I got on with so well. And we were joined by a surprise guest.

To be completed.

Not only did we encounter the Rockies, we also encountered the Moonies. It seems to be a tradition on the Colorado River for water users to moon passing trains. People of a nervous disposition may wish to look away at this point.

An American Bald Eagle.

To the left of this photo you can just see the front of our train emerging. This gives you some idea of just how long our train is.

At this point the conductor invited us to take a 10 minute break and take in the fresh mountain air. We were at 8,500 feet in the Rockies. She also told us that there was a young boy who meets the train with a bicycle trailer selling snacks and ice cream for one dollar.

Conductor urging people to hurry up with their purchases as the train had to leave. Watch this boy, he will be a billionaire one day!

Re-boarding the train.

After going through a 4 mile 6.2 mile tunnel (I was wrong about the 4 miles) we reached the highest point in our trip through the Rockies, 10,000 feet. At this point we started to descend to the Great Plains. From here to the East Coast it would be mainly flat ground.

Just to cap off a perfect day I went through to the restaurant car for a late dinner. I was sat with 3 ladies who kept me entertained for the rest of the evening. We were the last to leave the restaurant and carried on our conversation in the observation car.

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The Last Post

I am now back in Forres, Scotland. I would like to thank everyone I met on my trip from East Coast to West Coast and back again to East Coas...