Tuesday 29 August 2017

Staying at the Hotel California

Well I wasn't staying at the Hotel California but I am staying at The Santa Paula Inn which is in California but how could I let a good Eagles song go to waste?

Before I checked out from Vegas (that's what us insiders call it) I asked the receptionist why I was bumped up to the penthouse suite, was it my suave appearance? had tales of my epic journey across the USA turned up in Vegas, was I mistaken for the actor who plays Poldark. Her answer was "the rest of the hotel was full and you were only staying one night so we gave you the penthouse" I think she was lying, I'm going with the Poldark scenario.

Just as I entered California I saw off the freeway shining lights in the desert. I guessed it was a solar furnace. It looked amazing, beams of light from mirrors shone down on the desert floor. Even though it was midday the beams looked like searchlights. Then I began to think what would happen to me if those mirrors shifted position. What with rattlesnakes, flash floods and being fried to death it didn't seem like my luck would hold so I put my foot down and hightailed it out of there being mindful of the California Highway Patrol (anyone remember the 70's ChiPs series?). Further into California I saw signs with a plane symbol and the words 'planes are tracking your speed'.

I just checked now and it was a solar furnace, burning at over 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Since it was built thousands of birds have died as they flew into the beams.

Soon after I saw signs for Death Valley and looked at the car temperature gauge, it read 116/47 (F/C) degrees. I thought earlier in the week I had encountered the highest possible temperature at 106/41 degrees at Zion National Park. It was enough to send me back to the B&B for a cold shower.

Arrived in Santa Paula which is famous for being one of the centres of the Californian oil industry and now describes itself as the Citrus Capital of the World.

 When I arrived at the hotel I asked the innkeeper for a nice restaurant within walking distance. He recommended Garmins in Main Street. When I asked what type of food was served he said it was an Irish Pub. I said I couldn't go there as I was under daughter's orders not to eat any more European/American food. He then recommended a Mexican restaurant in Main Street which didn't open for another two hours. I then found this Mexican restaurant and had a lovely meal. When I got back to the hotel and mentioned the restaurant he told me it was owned by his uncle but he thought it was too far for me to walk.

 Very modern (West Coast style?)


Local police station who hopefully haven't seen my reward poster yet.

Definitely California style.

One of many murals on the side of buildings.

Old filling station/garage.

Is this a liquor store for guys or is it run by four guys?

What happens to this vehicle if it hits a speed bump?

For sale: three low-mileage trucks.

In Britain a muffler is a scarf, here it's a car exhaust.

Lots of these antique/collectible shops.

California Oil Museum.

Redundant cinema now featuring a lovely mural.

There is a mountain range on both sides of town.

Memorial to fallen Santa Paula police officers. This plaque commemorates Marshal Norman, gunned down in 1913.

Very colourful tree, but I don't know what it's called.

Former rail station now an information centre.

This sculpture is called 'The Watchers' and commemorates the occasion when over 12 billion gallons of water was released when a nearby dam collapsed in the early hours of the morning. These two motorcycle cops raced round the town warning people and saving lives.

 Another unknown (to me, that is) tree which glows red in the sunset. The moon is just becoming visible in the sky.

This phone is outside the local Mud Room bar. Anyone need to call Uber?

Anyone who is getting married this year and doesn't have their dress yet?

This is the Freemasons Hall which seems to be a big thing in the USA.

Front and rear of my hotel.

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