Wednesday 9 August 2017

Gettysburg Address

Before I left for Gettysburg I took some early morning photos of the B&B.

There are so many horse themed objects around the property but this is the most original, a horse sculpture made out of old tyres.

A shot of the beautiful garden.

Another horse masquerading as a gatepost.

The rear veranda with some horses in the background.

At Gettysburg National Park there are signs indicating that firearms are not allowed to be brought in which is ironic given that this is the site of military battle. An exception has been made for these young soldiers however.

On the gates at the entrance to the military cemetery the Union states are inscribed on the posts.

This is the memorial to the famous Gettysburg Address. The exact site isn't recorded as it as the address wasn't deemed significant at the time.

Lincoln's Gettysburg Address is on the right hand panel. It is hard to read the words without shivers travelling down your spine. It is difficult to imagine today's politicians writing something so profound. If Twitter's 140 character limit had been Lincoln's method of delivering his address we would have had:

"Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposi..."
These gravestone honour servicemen who fell in the two World Wars.
A pair of cannons from the battle.
Some of the thousands of discreet gravestones at the cemetery.

Two of the many memorials at the cemetery.

I asked a park ranger at the gates what was the significance of the pennies left on these stones. He said that visitors leave them to commemorate the soldiers who were unidentified after the battle. He said that sadly they have to go round and remove the pennies as the metal leeches into the stone. All the money collected however goes into the park memorial fund.

Some of the commemorative stones are laid out in semicircles around the monument.

Flowers are still being left for this World War 2 veteran.

One of the crucial engagements during the battle - The Defence of Little Round Top - took place here. One of the park rangers gave a very informative talk on the engagement.

A re-enactor or a ghost from the past. This Union-dressed individual makes his way past one of the sites of battle.

This evening I visited the pretty and quaint town of Lititz in Pennsylvania.

This old restored train carriage can be seen in the background of the fountain photograph from Lititz.

The famous Tomato Pie Café in Lititz.

The Bulls Head Pub wouldn't look out of place in an English town.

The town has many of these antique and collectibles shops.

I had noticed this TV news crew setting up their camera as I arrived and here they are interviewing someone. I searched Google but couldn't find any reason for the filming.

1 comment:

  1. There are ducks in the fountain, but none of them look like Heidi.


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I am now back in Forres, Scotland. I would like to thank everyone I met on my trip from East Coast to West Coast and back again to East Coas...