Saturday 19 August 2017

Iowa City is Amazing

Sorry, no posts from Toledo, Ohio where I stayed last night. Arrived late in Iowa City for an overnight stop.

When I arrived at my Bed & Breakfast (The Brown Street Inn) I was greeted by these flags. I asked the owner, Mark, if the Union Jack was for my benefit and he said it was. I happened to mention that strictly speaking it should have been the Scottish flag but he didn't have one to hand. It wasn't very gracious of me to come out with that comment given that the Union Jack does actually contain the Scottish flag in its design.

Went into the city to try and track down glasses for the solar eclipse on Monday as I found out today that they are rarer than hen's teeth but without success. Certain members of my family might comment that I should have ordered a pair before I left, which I had but Amazon delivered them to my home address the day after I left for the USA. Thank you, Amazon.

Iowa City is a university town and this is the weekend when all the students return. These are a couple of the fine university buildings.

Iowa City is a very modern-looking city with wide thoroughfares. The city sidewalks were filled with throngs of students greeting each other.

 Photographed this Deadwood Bar & Grill as I'll be visiting the actual town of Deadwood in a few days.


Saw this contraption on the sidewalk and had to check it out. It's a bicycle
repair station. You hang your bike on it and there is a pump and a selection of
tools so you can work on your bike.

And next to the repair station is one of the coolest bike stands I have come across.
I assume from all this that bikes are big amongst the student population.

I have always wanted to see one of these, a drive-thru bank. I assume that bank robbers
find them very convenient.

This is the Atlas restaurant where I had a lovely meal. I was served by really friendly
waiters and waitresses and when I remarked how friendly Americans have been to me
she told me that they have an expression here called 'Iowa Nice' and it was. There are
some funny YouTube videos which explains why Iowa is Nice at:

 Banners on street lamps welcoming students.

 Near the restaurant was this open air free screening of the film 'Finding Nemo' Wow!
Free cinema! These Iowans really are nice.

Floodlit version of one of the previous photos.

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I am now back in Forres, Scotland. I would like to thank everyone I met on my trip from East Coast to West Coast and back again to East Coas...