Sunday 20 August 2017

Oh My, I'm in Omaha

After yesterday's unsuccessful attempt to buy eclipse glasses I joined other guests for breakfast and a chat, with me doing most of the chatting, naturally. After breakfast one of the B&B's owners introduced me to some of the other guests one of whom presented me with a pair of eclipse glasses and refused to take any payment for them. I can't get enough of American's generosity, helpfulness and openness to myself.

After leaving Iowa City I headed for the Field of Dreams Movie site in Iowa. This was created for the Kevin Costner 1989 film also starring Burt Lancaster in his last movie. Kevin Costner is a farmer who keeps hearing a voice saying 'If you build it, he will come' and decides to plough up his cornfield and build a baseball pitch. I won't say more about the story in case you haven't seen it but if you haven't seen you should try and catch it. It's a very moving and magical film which will make you fall in love with baseball. After filming finished the farmer who owned the land kept everything in  place and only added a small gift shop. There is no charge for entry and people can play baseball there free of charge.

This lady was sitting on the bleachers and kindly allowed me to take her photo.

This gentleman was dressed in the period 1920's baseball uniform as featured in  the film.

The owner of the B&B told me that he also had some German visitors staying and I think I can see one of them in this photo.

The beautiful house and gardens of Oft's B&B.

These are some shots of one of Bennington's streets. The above photo has a school flag outside but I suspect it isn't Bennington Elementary School.

The above panels feature illustrations from Bennington's past including the above featuring the Oft family name.

This is the Stumble Inn so naturally I went in for dinner and a cold beer.

It's hard to walk past a classic American Harley-Davidson bike without photographing it.

Walked past this veteran's memorial and saw two gentlemen takin g photos. I spoke to them and discovered that one was a navy veteran.

The Oft B&B at night.

When I got back I spoke to the owners Gordon and Linda who told me more about the history of their family home including this writing bureau which belonged to Gordon's grandfather. Gordon incidentally was Bennington's mayor for two terms.

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The Last Post

I am now back in Forres, Scotland. I would like to thank everyone I met on my trip from East Coast to West Coast and back again to East Coas...