Tuesday 8 August 2017

Arrive in Pennsylvania

Left New York this morning and set off by train to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The train passed through Philadelphia but no sigh of Rocky. Picked up my first car rental in Harrisburg and drove to my B&B. As this was my first drive in America and my first drive anywhere on the right hand side of the road I'm not sure who was more frightened, me or the other road users who kept pumping their horns.

Arrived at my bed & breakfast - The Inn at Westwynd Farm which is a beautiful house with large stables nearby. Also nearby is Hershey World - a bit like Cadbury World in the UK only much bigger. Each bedroom has complimentary Hershey Bars and other chocolate treats. The owners recommended the Nearby Hershey Hotel for an evening meal. The meal and the setting were both lovely.

This is the view you are presented with as you drive onto the property.

One of the many beautiful rooms at the Inn.

Round the back of the property is this lovely garden and waterfall where you're invited to take your complimentary glass of wine (and your complimentary Hershey Bar if you like) and admire the view.

On the front veranda you have rocking chairs and a rocking sofa to sit in and admire the view.

Away from the main stables you have this paddock with two miniature horses, a mule and a donkey.


  1. "Howdy". I see your on the road again !! Some. BB pad your staying in and see Hiedi is still just chilling , Cenral Park one day and "rocking" in the garden chair the next . Val away on hols so won't see her till 21st Aug, hope your calming your nerves after your drive with a big glass of wine ������

  2. There's a duck on that swing sofa. Heidi is that you?


The Last Post

I am now back in Forres, Scotland. I would like to thank everyone I met on my trip from East Coast to West Coast and back again to East Coas...