Monday 14 August 2017

Ducking Around Boston

Left DC this morning by train for Boston. Two reasons for visiting Boston: The Bostonian Accent and the architecture which makes parts of Boston look like a town in England.

This is the B&B I am staying at in Boston. The College Club of Boston is the oldest women's college club in the United States. Part of the premises are used as a B&B.

Just 200 yards from the B&B is the beautiful Boston Public Garden. In the middle is this large boating lake with swans. I am looking forward to going out on one as it always has been my ambition to star in Swan Lake.

Found a unique Boston duck in this scene.

A squirrel running down the tree to meet his friend Donald.

In Boston even the Mr Frosty ice cream truck is patriotic.

Some typical Boston buildings.

This building is actually a steakhouse.

This sandwich bar is offering free smells; I think I would rather have free tastes.
Sculpture of Edgar Allen Poe carrying a suitcase with a large raven bursting out of it.

Found this great little pub in the middle of theatre land.


  1. Hi see Heidi didn't escape on the paddle boat

  2. I have wanted to see the swan boats ever since Make Way For Ducklings was read to me on Captain Kangaroo (a children's TV show).


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I am now back in Forres, Scotland. I would like to thank everyone I met on my trip from East Coast to West Coast and back again to East Coas...