Wednesday 30 August 2017

From Sea to Shining Sea

When I left Gloucester, Massachussets on the 16th August I saw the Atlantic for the last time on my trip west. This morning on my trip North to San Francisco I saw the Pacific Ocean for the first time. I travelled on Highway 101, one of the great coastal highways. On my drive I passed areas devastated by the many wildfires this year. Later on the trip I passed miles of vineyards and reflected on the many Californian wines I have drunk over the years.

I made a diversion to take in the city of Salinas. The author John Steinbeck was born there and I visited the National Steinbeck Center there. He wrote many well-known books including East of Eden, Of Mice and Men and Grapes of Wrath. The book that interested me most was his 1960 title, Travels With Charley. Steinbeck had a truck company build a RV for him so he could make a trip of 10,000 miles around the USA. Charley was his large poodle; his wife refused to accompany him on his trip. I was heavily influenced by the book when I was planning last year's RV trip across the USA, intending to take two months doing a similar trip. Thinking this was a bit ambitious I scaled it back to one month then had to postpone it till this year when I dropped the RV idea completely and settled for a round trip by car and train.

A Ford Model T similar to the one described in East of Eden.

His 'Of Mice and Men' is illustrated with a range of hats mentioned in the story. You are invited to lift each hat and discover which character wore it.

A map of his Charley trip. He named his vehicle Rocinante after Don Quixote's horse.

This is his actual vehicle on display with exterior and interior images.

A model of his poodle, Charley sitting in the passenger seat.

Some of the lovely buildings in Salinas including this one Head Over Heels which is a shoe lounge, which is different from a shoe shop, how.

I parked my car outside the police ststion thinking it would be secure there while I toured Salinas. Saw this black and white police cruiser with 'Violence Suppression Unit' on it.

Shots of my San Francisco B&B obscured by trees.

Modern style church nearby.

Trump stops here when he visits San Francisco.

Dogs congregate here each evening. They all played together without fighting, and their owners behaved themselves as well.

View from the park.

This is how the locals treat haters.

Local houses.

When your dog becomes ill take them to the Pet Hospital.

And if they misbehave call the local dog-training vehicle.

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I am now back in Forres, Scotland. I would like to thank everyone I met on my trip from East Coast to West Coast and back again to East Coas...