Tuesday 15 August 2017

Ducks, More Ducks and a Surprise Meeting

My only full day in Boston so decided to get myself lost and see what I could find.


Staircases at my B&B. Photos are of local women connected with the college building.

This was my first duck sighting of the day. I had seen signs yesterday for Boston Duck Tours and
wondered why anyone would want to look at ducks, apart from Heidi of course.
Then I saw these vehicles on the streets and realised that these amphibious vehicles from World
War 2, called DUKW vehicles were being used as a tourist ride

Anyone looking to enjoy some 80's pop in this building may be disappointed.
This houses the Boston Symphony Orchestra which plays light and popular classical music.

On my 'Getting Lost' walk I came across these plots of land which looked exactly like allotments back

I then came across this gentleman whose name is Mahmoud who originally came from Egypt
who told me that just as in Britain plots of land were given to local people to grow vegetables
during World War 2. Only here in Boston most people converted their plots to flower gardens after
the war. Mahmoud is shown here looking at the tree which he looks after and successfully fought the
city council which wanted to remove it.

Some of the bridges in Boston carry this slogan after the Boston Marathon Bombing in 2013.


Good street reflections on these modern buildings.

More typical Boston flower arrangements.

This occupant probably has to barbecue in the street perhaps due to the lack of a back garden.

Came across this Chinese gentleman playing gentle music in the park.

Came across the swan boats in action. They proved very popular. The biggest surprise was that
they were pedal-powered, giving the captain an opportunity for a complete gym workout.

Had lunch at the Jacob Writh restaurant, a German restaurant which dates from the 1860's.

This was the biggest surprise of my trip so far. While walking down a shopping street I came across
 a branch of Primark, the British clothing chain, no that wasn't the surprise, please be more patient.
The surprise was when I asked these two young ladies where I should pay for these items I
recognised her Scottish accent. She then introduced her colleague who is also from Scotland. An
even bigger surprise is that one of them had actually been to the wedding venue near Dundee where
my daughter, Anja is to be married in October. So thank you Annie and Maria (I hope I got your
names right!)

This is Paul Revere's house who famously road through the local countryside crying
"The British are Coming" in 1775 which was  probably a reference to my planned visit
this year although shouldn't his cry have been "The Scottish are Coming" given the
amount of Scots in the city?

Paul Revere's statue.


This is Coop's Hill Burying Ground which dates from the 1660's.
Here you can see a guide in period costume.

 This rusted bridge carries six lanes of traffic and has a temporary feel to it although has
probably been around for decades.

Just before the bridge is this plaque honouring a police officer killed in 1898.

This is the USS Constitution also know as 'Old Ironsides' which successfully fought the Royal Navy.

This is the USS Cassin Young which fought off kamikaze attacks in World War 2.

The officer's wardroom.

This bear-looking dog was stalking a squirrel at the time.

This row of ducks commemorates  a famous children's book called 'Make Way for Ducklings'.
I count seven or maybe eight ducks here. Is that correct?

I wonder how the 45th President of the United States feels about this poster?

I just had to photograph an American fire hydrant.



  1. Hey I think I'd like Boston ��

  2. I think Heidi likes Boston. There sure are a lot of ducks in this town.


The Last Post

I am now back in Forres, Scotland. I would like to thank everyone I met on my trip from East Coast to West Coast and back again to East Coas...