Friday 11 August 2017

Spooks and Spooky Happenings in Washington DC

I left Pennsylvania for Washington DC (Or Just DC as us insiders call it). As I neared Washington I started seeing signs for the NSA (National Security Agency). I then saw they had their own slip road off of the freeway. At that point we were stuck in traffic and I was able to observe drivers going on to the slip road. It was easy to see that the occupants were spooks, the dark glasses, the dark suits and the fact that each vehicle had an alien in the back seat was a dead giveaway.

Driving through DC (it's an insider thing) was one of my worst driving experiences. These drivers make London and New York drivers look like saints. I was glad when I pulled into Union Station to return the vehicle. Just before I reached the station I was pulled over by a DC cop who informed me that I was straddling two lanes. I informed him that it wasn't my fault; putting a steering wheel on the left hand side of the vehicle invites you to straddle lanes. He said he understood and would have a word with someone in Capitol Hill about it. I'm hoping by the time I return they will have sorted it out and return steering wheels to their rightful position.

 As I walked through DC's Union Station I had a chance to admire the architecture. Although it's a great design New York's Grand Central Station beats it hands down.

As I turned away from the station I saw the Capitol Hill in the distance. No doubt the lawmakers are inside hurriedly drafting the Steering Wheel Relocation Bill (2017).

As I drove though DC I had noticed some very strangely dressed characters. I had assumed that they were just eccentric Washingtonians but as I saw more and more similarly dressed  I guessed it was a Comic Con (Comic Convention) several of which are held in the UK. Later my landlady informed me it was an Anime (Japanese comics) convention.

Some of the characters not only agreed to be photographed they even adopted appropriate poses without me having to direct them.

This individual was happy to pose.

I was behind this lady on the pavement (or sidewalk as we insiders call it) when I saw her amazing hat. I overtook and asked if she would pose for the camera and she was happy to help.

I made it to the White House just as the heavens opened accompanied by thunder and lightning. It seemed prudent to beat a retreat as my umbrella would have been a perfect target. I spent the rest of the evening sitting at in outdoor retauarant table (under cover) eating a delicious pizza.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Daniel
    Just catching up on your adventures over the past 3 days gee it look really interesting I think Cherry �� acre shop is my idea of good rummage and then to the White House , I think Trump too busy causing international havoc, so I think you can forget the steering wheel amendment, it time to get of that town. Hey I bet your glad you didn't hire a winabago


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I am now back in Forres, Scotland. I would like to thank everyone I met on my trip from East Coast to West Coast and back again to East Coas...