Sunday 13 August 2017

Washington - Day and Night

Washington's Capitol Building, Home of the Congress and Senate.

This beautifully curved museum is the National Museum of the American Indian.

A Washington Metro station.

Arlington National Cemetery where the dead of American military conflicts are buried. Over 400,000 internments have been made.

This is the burial site of John F Kennedy who was assassinated in 1963. An eternal flame burns in the background.

The Pentagon and the Pentagon Memorial commemorating the plane attack on the Pentagon on September 11.

Near my B&B I saw a woman walking along carrying a remote control with this device preceding her. I asked her what it was and she said it was a remote delivery vehicle.

The White House looks even better when floodlit.

These two people at the White House have a poster which reads "If U R not outraged U R Not Paying Attention". Their candles spell out 'Love'

A much larger group were nearby, singing songs.

The woman with the Black Lives Matter is holding a poster which has a quote from Martin Luther King which reads 'We Must Live Together as Brothers or Perish Together As Fools'

I edited this post the following day after catching up with the news about Heather Heyer being run over and murdered by a neo-Nazi in Charlottesville. I had seen the name on the above poster but knew nothing about it at the time. I had noticed some of the women crying in groups while others sang.

The Washington Monument.

The Jefferson Memorial.

The World War 2 |Memorial.

The Lincoln Memorial and reflecting pool.

Even at 10.30 at night the Lincoln Memorial is busy with visitors.


  1. Photos at night are lovely Dad. Remember to look after yourself though and stay safe!

  2. Sorry been busy so just catching up - Washington looks amazing


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I am now back in Forres, Scotland. I would like to thank everyone I met on my trip from East Coast to West Coast and back again to East Coas...